Rapid diagnosis of sepsis

Rapid molecular detection of sepsis from blood - Acronym: RaDos

In this project we will study the dynamics of bacterial DNA during sepsis. Next to fundamental new insights into the presence and changes of bacterial DNA compared to microbiological culture and clinical illness, the diagnostic possibilities will be studied. In this project we will make use of total bacterial DNA analysis in whole blood from patients suspected for sepsis in time. The final goal will be to obtain more understanding of sepsis and treatment on a molecular level and improvement of therapy and reduction of morbidity and mortality. Based on the new fundamental molecular insights a new rapid (<6hr) complete molecular microbiological test for diagnosis of sepsis will be developed. Rapid diagnosis of sepsis is crucial for treatment and survival of patients with sepsis. Current tests take up to 48hrs-5days. This lead to unnecessary or antimicrobial over- or under-treatment which is associated with increased antimicrobial resistance development and high mortality rates. Early diagnosis of sepsis will have a major impact on the adequate treatment and reduction of mortality rates.

The social and economic impact is large because sepsis is one of the most important causes of death in hospitals. Sepsis is an expensive illness. Not only during stay at the IC department but also after recovery. Healthy people who survive from sepsis suffer from the consequences of the sepsis and need additional help. With a rapid diagnosis and adequate therapy this can be circumvented which saves money and give the patients a healthier live after sepsis.

A new public private partnership between University Maastricht/MUMC+, inBiome bv and Philips bv has been started. After the project a rapid new molecular method should be ready for production and implementation in clinical care. Subsequent implementation of this new approach in patient care will lead to optimization treatment, thus preventing development and spread of antimicrobial resistance and reduction of mortality and morbidity due to sepsis.

Early diagnosis of sepsis has a major impact on adequate treatment and reduction of high mortality rates. In this project we will develop a new molecular sepsis approach based on pathogen DNA detection directly in blood to allow rapid (<6hr) diagnosis and optimal treatment
Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
1 - 7
Time period
48 months