Pilot Call 2024 - Invitation only

The Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (LSH) stimulates innovative research by (financially) supporting public-private partnerships (PPPs) in the LSH sector. This call encourages research organisations and companies to jointly invest in research & development (R&D) with the aim of developing sustainable innovative products and services within the LSH sector. The Top Consortia for Knowledge and Innovation (TKI) office is the executive body of the Top Sector LSH (Health~Holland) and can financially support a PPP collaboration project by awarding PPP Subsidy. 

From 2024, the 'PPP Research and Innovation Regulation' will change into the 'PPP Innovation Subsidy Regulation'. This amended regulation includes, among other things, new funding conditions. In this one-time Pilot Call 2024, the Top Sector LSH makes €7.5 million PPP Subsidy available with the aim of allowing parties to gain experience with the structure of the new regulation and the corresponding financial conditions. Parties that have accrued PPP Allowance at Health~Holland in recent years through 'grondslagopgave' received an invitation to submit a PPP Subsidy application within this Pilot Call. 

Proposed project applications need to contribute to the central mission and one of the five specific missions as described in the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda (KIA) 2024-2027. All applications are assessed by an evaluation committee at a set moment. The board of Stichting LSH-TKI subsequently decides whether an application will be honored. The deadline for the Pilot Call 2024 is October 1st, 2024 CET 17.00

Download the call text and the other required documentation for the 'TKI LSH Pilot Call for public-private partnerships in 2024' below and read more about the Pilot Call 2024 and the requirements for applying for PPP funding.  

In the run-up to the deadline, there is the possibility to ask consortium-specific questions to the Health~Holland Pilot Call team in a personal question session. These appointments can be requested up to three weeks before the deadline of 1 October 2024 by emailing tki@health-holland.com with the subject line: Request Pilot Call application advice.