OPEN: SME fund for a national or European patent

You can recover part of the costs of a national or European patent application through the SME Fund. A maximum of €3,500 applies.

About the SME Fund...

This includes:

  • 75% reimbursement of costs for national and European applications, up to a maximum of €1,500. This includes:
    • novelty searches
    • filing, examination, granting and publication for national protection in an EU Member State
    • filing and examination fees for European patents filed at the EPO.
  • 50% reimbursement of legal costs for preparing and filing European patent applications, up to a maximum of € 2,000. So, this does nót apply to national applications. To be eligible for reimbursement, it is essential that the service is performed by a EU-based professional patent attorney registered on the official list of the EPO
    Read the other conditions...

Source: RVO


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