Imaging Tumor-Infiltrating T-cells in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Imaging Tumor-Infiltrating T-cells in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (Donan trial)

In this project we introduce advanced imaging technologies to track patients’ own immune cells on their way into a cancer lesion, which is a critical step in immune therapy. In collaboration with AstraZeneca BV we investigate the potential of these imaging technologies in patients with early stage lung cancer.

Following the success of blocking immune checkpoint molecules PD-1/PD-L1, there has been an explosion in immune therapy trials. In 2018, there were 570+ clinical trials open, focusing on PD-1/PD-L1. Without appropriate use of novel imaging techniques, these developments will spin out of control, both in terms of costs and in time to find the most effective combinations.

We investigate three novel techniques in patients with early-stage lung cancer who will receive a short course of immune therapy prior to their standard treatment, which is surgical removal of the lung cancer. First, the therapeutic antibody targeting PD-L1 will be labeled with a radioactive label, allowing to assess whether it reaches the cancer. Second, a perfusion-CT scan assesses the local blood flow within the cancer, which is critical to efficiently deliver the therapy to the cancer. Last, patients’ own immune cells, which should do the job of attacking cancer cells, are isolated from the blood, labeled with a radioactive label and re-infused; or labeled directly in the patient by injecting a radioactive tracer that binds to these cells, to track their ways. The unique setting here is that after surgical removal of the lung cancer, these imaging techniques will be validated on the cancer tissue.

We will deliver a novel imaging toolbox that speeds up the development of effective immune therapy as it allows to assess whether the drugs work as they are supposed to work in small pilot studies, before starting large, expensive clinical trials.


Non-invasive imaging of critical components of the immune system is a novel approach to speed up the development of effective immune therapy. This project showcases an effective combination of high-level expertise and dedicated facilities available within the academia, with frontline applications in onco-immunological drug development in early-stage lung cancer.
Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
5 - 8
Time period
42 months