
Cross-over LSH with Centre of Expertise U CREATE

De HU (Hogeschool Utrecht) en HKU (Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht) gaan een strategische samenwerking aan via het Centre of Expertise Creative Industries U CREATE. Tegelijkertijd brengt U CREATE een inhoudelijke focus aan op een innovatie ‘cross-over’ met de sector zorg en welzijn.
Cross-over LSH with Centre of Expertise U CREATE

BioCapital Europe Company of the Year award goes to Prosensa

Amsterdam, March 26, 2015. At the BioCapital Europe conference being held today in Amsterdam, Hans Schikan, CEO Prosensa, was presented with the BioCapital Company of the Year award by Martijn Kleijwegt, Managing Partner at LSP. Investors and industry executives voted for Prosensa to receive this award. Prosensa’s lead program focuses on the development of novel innovative treatments for a rare genetic condition, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).
BioCapital Europe Company of the Year award goes to Prosensa

Dutch Biotech Company T-Cell Factory Acquired by Kite Pharma

T-Cell Factory B.V. (TCF), a privately held Dutch company and former participant of the Venture Challenge, has been acquired by Kite pharma, INc (KITE). KITE is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing engineered autologous T cell therapy (eACT(TM)) products based on CAR and TCR gene therapy platforms for the treatment of cancer.
Dutch Biotech Company T-Cell Factory Acquired by Kite Pharma

Internationalisation Guide

Als klein land is Nederland aangewezen op het buitenland. Ook zorgvernieuwers hebben veel te winnen bij internationalisering. Maar hoe doe je dat? Met wie? Waar moet je beginnen? En welke concrete stappen moet je maken? De vandaag verschenen InternationaliseringsGIDS brengt kennis, ervaringen, uitdagingen en suggesties bij elkaar van zorgvernieuwers die over de grenzen heen kijken.
Internationalisation Guide

Treeway is melting the Ice Buckets!

Treeway is melting the Ice Buckets and offers talented master / PhD students a once in a lifetime study opportunity!
Treeway is melting the Ice Buckets!

Health~Holland Update, March 2015

We are happy to present to you the first issue of our bimonthly news magazine, the Health~Holland Update.
Health~Holland Update, March 2015

Start Projects Life Sciences & Health for Development fund

Vanuit het Fonds Life Sciences and Health for Development (LS&H4D) zijn begin 2015 9 projecten van start gegaan. De projecten verhogen de gezondheidsstatus van de armere bevolkingsgroepen in ontwikkelingslanden met innovatieve gezondheidstechnologieën.
Start Projects Life Sciences & Health for Development fund

Report Healthcare export top

During the recent 'Top Zorg Export' in the Ridderzaal in The Hague, more than 150 representatives from all sections of the LSH sector discussed the possibilities to improve our chances abroad. In order to have international success, it is crucial to represent the Netherlands as a whole, instead of every company or institution for themselves. Through good collaboration and the exchange of experiences and contacts in other countries more doors can be opened and chances can be seized.
Report Healthcare export top

Systems Medicine / Personalized Medicine : The CASyM / BIOVISION call for pitches on R&D collaborative projects ideas is now open.

Submit your R&D collaborative project idea in the systems Medicine / Personalized Medicine field, and gain visibility both during the CASyM’s event of Tuesday April 14th 2015 in Lyon, and during Biovision on April 15th & 16th April 2015 in Lyon.
Systems Medicine / Personalized Medicine : The CASyM / BIOVISION call for pitches on R&D collaborative projects ideas is now open.

Lead Pharma to Partner with Sanofi on Development of Treatments for Autoimmune Diseases

Lead Pharma, a pharmaceutical company developing innovativemedicines for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and cancer, today announced that it has entered into a research collaboration and license agreement with Sanofi to discover, develop and commercialize small molecule therapies directed against the nuclear hormone receptor ROR gamma (t) to treat a broad range of autoimmune disorders, including common diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
Lead Pharma to Partner with Sanofi on Development of Treatments for Autoimmune Diseases