
Successful first Health~Holland Webinar

Securing funding is a well-known hurdle to many entrepreneurs active in the life sciences. The Top sector supports entrepreneurs to overcome this hurdle and therefore organised its first Health~Holland webinar titled ‘Everything you always wanted to know about Access to Capital (but were afraid to ask!)’.
Successful first Health~Holland Webinar

The Netherlands part of the WHO governance

Vanaf deze week is Nederland voor de komende drie jaar lid van het uitvoerend bestuur van de World Health Organization (WHO).
The Netherlands part of the WHO governance

Ageing & Integrated care, Innovation mission to Singapore

De innovatie afdeling van de Nederlandse ambassade organiseerde van 25 tot 29 april een innovatiemissie om inzicht te krijgen in trends en plannen op het gebied van vergrijzing en geïntegreerde zorg in Singapore.
Ageing & Integrated care, Innovation mission to Singapore

Kinderopvang ’t Vinkenbroekske winnaar Roosendaalse Startersprijs 2016

Kinderopvang ’t Vinkenbroekske ontving op dinsdag 10 mei 2016 de eerste Roosendaalse Startersprijs. De prijs werd uitgereikt tijdens de regionale Startersdag die plaatsvond in het Kellebeek College onderdeel van ROC West-Brabant in Roosendaal.
Kinderopvang ’t Vinkenbroekske winnaar Roosendaalse Startersprijs 2016

World Malaria Day: Netherlands-based consortium teams up with Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) in world-leading malaria translational research programme

Dutch life science public-private partnership organisation Lygature and Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) announced the establishment of a Netherlands-based translational research consortium that will target the development of next-generation medicines to help eradicate malaria.
World Malaria Day: Netherlands-based consortium teams up with Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) in world-leading malaria translational research programme

Agendia’s MammaPrint® first and only genomic assay to receive level 1A Clinical Utility Evidence for Chemotherapy benefit in Early Breast Cancer Patients

Agendia’s MammaPrint® first and only genomic assay to receive level 1A Clinical Utility Evidence for Chemotherapy benefit in Early Breast Cancer Patients Agendia, together with the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) and Breast International Group (BIG), announced results from the initial analysis of the primary objective of the Microarray In Node-negative (and 1 to 3 positive lymph node) Disease may Avoid ChemoTherapy (MINDACT) study at the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2016 in, New Orleans, LA.
Agendia’s MammaPrint® first and only genomic assay to receive level 1A Clinical Utility Evidence for Chemotherapy benefit in Early Breast Cancer Patients

Netherlands' top oncology scientists work together in new Oncology Institute

​Het Nederlands wetenschappelijk kankeronderzoek geldt als vooraanstaand in de wereld, maar de resultaten uit huidig onderzoek moeten nóg sneller vertaald worden naar betere diagnose en behandeling van mensen met kanker. Daarom wordt er naar een nieuw virtueel topinstituut toegewerkt. De ministeries van Economische Zaken, Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap, Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport en de topsector Life Sciences & Health ondersteunen de ambitie om tot dit instituut te komen.
Netherlands' top oncology scientists work together in new Oncology Institute

Forbion Closes Third Life Sciences Fund, FCF III, Raising over $200M

Forbion Capital Partners, a dedicated life sciences venture capital firm announced the final closing of its third main fund Forbion Capital Fund III (FCF III), raising a total of EUR 183 million (approx. USD 208 million).
Forbion Closes Third Life Sciences Fund, FCF III, Raising over $200M

Report on Top Sectors Human Capital Policy

Dialogic en ResearchNed hebben in de opdracht van Platform Bèta Techniek onderzocht hoe de Human Capital Agenda’s (HCA’s) van de topsectoren zich vanaf 2012 ontwikkeld hebben.
Report on Top Sectors Human Capital Policy

Vision on Open Science

DTL, Health~Holland and partners support Open Science: an umbrella term for a technology and data driven systemic change in how researchers work, collaborate, share ideas, disseminate and reuse results, by adopting the core values that knowledge should be reusable, modifiable and redistributable.
Vision on Open Science