
Submit your private investments in R&D this spring!

Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (LSH) supports innovative research and development realised by public-private partnerships (PPPs). The Top Sector brings together stakeholders in a shared, consolidated innovation infrastructure. By means of PPP Allowance, the Top Sector provides a financial instrument to help consortia consisting of research organisations, knowledge institutes, companies, and health foundations to realise their innovative ideas.
Submit your private investments in R&D this spring!

New Health Deal on stimulating health through personal prevention via e-health

In 2020, ten percent of the Netherlands will use e-health for personal prevention.That is one of the concrete goals of the recently signed Health Deal 'Stimulating health through personal prevention via e-health.'The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, the Ministry Health, Welfare and Sport and twelve other parties signed the Health Deal during the Health Valley Event on 15 March.The participants promise to undertake efforts to make e-health tools for personal prevention accessible to all Dutch people.
New Health Deal on stimulating health through personal prevention via e-health

CiMaas has been granted patent on DC maturation technology

CiMaas, a biotech company developing innovative cellular immunotherapy, announced the grant of a European Patent on its Dendritic Cells maturation technology, an essential part of its Dendritic Cell Vaccine Product.
CiMaas has been granted patent on DC maturation technology

Winners National Healthcare Innovation Award 2018 announced

Tijdens de slotshow op het Health Valley Event 2018 op 15 maart 2018 in het CineMec Nijmegen, is de CRDL door de vakjury uitgeroepen tot winnaar van de Nationale Zorginnovatieprijs 2018. Het publiek koos Abena Nova als winnaar van de publieksprijs. De Nationale Zorginnovatieprijs is een jaarlijks terugkerend initiatief van Stichting Zorginnovatie Nederland, om scale-ups in de zorg- en welzijnssector te steunen. De CRDL ontvangt een bedrag van €10.000 en Abena Nova een bedrag van €5.000,- dat zij kunnen investeren in verdere opschaling van hun innovatie.
Winners National Healthcare Innovation Award 2018 announced

European Parliament votes for EMA in the Netherlands

The European Parliament has approved the relocation of the European Medicine Agency (EMA) to Amsterdam, provided that the authorities submit quarterly reports on the progress of the construction of the new office in Amsterdam’s Zuidas business district. A large majority of the parliament (507 against 112) voted for the Netherlands as EMA's new location.
European Parliament votes for EMA in the Netherlands

Immune diseases and machine learning feature in new IMI Call for proposals

The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) is launching a new EUR 82 million Call for proposals focusing on immune diseases, imaging, machine learning, and digital clinical trials.
 Immune diseases and machine learning feature in new IMI Call for proposals

International funding opportunity offered by CARB-X

CARB-X supports early development in the area of antibiotics, other antimicrobial therapeutics, preventatives, diagnostics and devices.
International funding opportunity offered by CARB-X

The Netherlands: Europe’s most attractive and innovative biopharmaceutical industry environment

With an unrivalled concentration of biopharmaceutical ecosystems, world-class universities and a long history of strategic partnerships between science, industry and government, the Netherlands is a perfect location for biopharmaceutical innovation in Europe.
The Netherlands: Europe’s most attractive and innovative biopharmaceutical industry environment

EPO reports growing demand; Europe's attractiveness as leading tech market confirmed

The European Patent Office (EPO) received nearly 166 000 European patent applications in 2017, an increase of +3.9% and an all-time high. Published today, the EPO's Annual Report 2017 also shows that thanks to sustained efforts to boost quality and efficiency, the EPO published some 106 000 granted European patents in 2017, up 10.1% on the previous year.
EPO reports growing demand; Europe's attractiveness as leading tech market confirmed

National Healthcare Innovation Award 2018: Nominees announced!

136 innovaties schreven zich in voor de Nationale Zorginnovatieprijs 2018. Hiervan presenteerden ruim 40 enthousiaste ondernemers de afgelopen maand hun zorginnovatie tijdens een regionale voorronde. Stuk voor stuk hadden zij veelbelovende en inspirerende pitches. Dat maakte de keuze voor de regiowinnaars uiteraard niet makkelijker. Maar inmiddels zijn de 10 genomineerde innovaties voor de Nationale Zorginnovatieprijs 2018 bekend!
National Healthcare Innovation Award 2018: Nominees announced!