
Hybridize: Winner of the Venture Challenge Spring 2018

Maarseveen, The Netherlands, 29 June 2018 – Today at the Dutch Biotech Event, Chrétien Herben, director of the LifeSciences@Work Accelerator, announced Hybridize as winning team of the 19th edition of the Venture Challenge. The LUMC-based start up Hybridize has developed a cost-effective proprietary therapeutic compound that can be intravenously administered to protect the kidney from BK virus-mediated damage while maintaining full immunosuppression.
Hybridize: Winner of the Venture Challenge Spring 2018

Wouter Bos head of investment fund Invest-NL

Wouter Bos, bestuursvoorzitter van het VUmc en oud-minister van Financiën, wordt de eerste bestuursvoorzitter van Invest-NL, de staatsdeelneming die investeringen gaat stimuleren op maatschappelijke terreinen waar Nederland nu nog kansen laat liggen. Invest-NL zal naar verwachting in 2019 definitief worden opgericht en ondernemers dan één loket bieden voor risicokapitaal, garanties en financieringsprogramma's.
Wouter Bos head of investment fund Invest-NL

Internet consultation on Microplastics & Health call offers valuable insight

In preparation of the Microplastic & Health call for research proposals the concept call text went on-line for feedback. It was an open invitation for any stakeholders to participate. The aim of the consultation was to improve the quality of the call in terms of relevance to knowledge gaps and a way in which to adjust the call to the current state of scientific knowledge.
Internet consultation on Microplastics & Health call offers valuable insight

Biotech at its best at BIO 2018 in Boston

With a well-visited Health~Holland Pavilion and a strong delegation of 130 Dutch biotech entrepreneurs, this year’s BIO International Convention in Boston, Massachusetts, at the epicentre of biotech proved to be a fruitful edition for the Dutch too.
Biotech at its best at BIO 2018 in Boston

Top Sector LSH and Health Funds support the project MyOwnResearch with 2,6 million

Een samenwerkingsproject waarin patiënten, onderzoekers en bedrijven helpen meerwaarde te halen uit het zelfonderzoek van patiënten naar de beste behandeling van hun chronische ziekte
Top Sector LSH and Health Funds support the project MyOwnResearch with 2,6 million

Six researchers awarded with highest award in Dutch science

Vandaag maakte NWO-voorzitter Stan Gielen bekend dat prof. dr. Anna Akhmanova, prof. dr. Marileen Dogterom, prof. dr. Carsten de Dreu en prof. dr. John van der Oost de NWO-Spinozapremie ontvangen, en prof. dr. Beatrice de Graaf en prof. dr. Marion Koopmans de NWO-Stevinpremie. De Spinoza- en de Stevinpremies zijn de hoogste onderscheidingen in de Nederlandse wetenschap. De laureaten krijgen elk 2,5 miljoen euro, te besteden aan wetenschappelijk onderzoek en activiteiten met betrekking tot kennisbenutting.
Six researchers awarded with highest award in Dutch science

Open call for applications - Female Junior Investigator Programme

Oncode Institute has opened a call for applications for our Female Junior Investigator Programme (FJIP). Up to eight young female scientists will each be awarded € 150k,- per year during the first phase of Oncode, ending in 2022. The programme aims to support talented female junior investigators who have established their own line of research. Female scientists from all Dutch universities and research institutes can apply for funding.
Open call for applications - Female Junior Investigator Programme

Chemotherapy, at home

Kankercentra en een verzekeraar maken werk van de thuisbehandeling van kanker - tot voor kort ondenkbaar. Dit meldt de Volkskrant.
Chemotherapy, at home

AMC and VUmc go forward together as Amsterdam UMC

Het Academisch Medisch Centrum (AMC) en VU medisch centrum (VUmc) zijn vandaag bestuurlijk gefuseerd.
AMC and VUmc go forward together as Amsterdam UMC

InSciTe project that targets new way to take eye medicines enters clinical studies

One of the projects of InSciTe has been granted permission by the ‘Dutch Health and Youth Care Inspection’ (Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd) to enter the clinical test phase. The Ocular Coil Drug Delivery Comfort Trial (OCDC) project developed an innovative way to apply medication to the eye. OCDC is the first public/private collaborative InSciTe project to reach this crucial phase within 3 years. This is an important achievement for the project partners and InSciTe.
InSciTe project that targets new way to take eye medicines enters clinical studies