
Which human capital challenges are you facing as an employer or company?

In April this year the EU-funded Health and Life Science (HELIS) Academy was founded. In this consortium 10 public and private partners join forces to bridge the gaps between the skills and knowledge needed by organizations and their availability on the labour market. Your input is necessary to further define which skills gaps need to be addressed and in which format. Please fill in this short questionnaire so we can develop courses, train employees to address your companies needs and improve the Dutch and Belgian Life Science Sector.
Which human capital challenges are you facing as an employer or company?

SkylineDx granted €2.7M for development skin cancer test

The Dutch government grants SkylineDx, through a financial loan (“Innovatiekrediet”), €2.7 million for the development of a diagnostic skin cancer test. Based on genetic information from cancer cells, this skin cancer test predicts if a patient is at risk of having metastases in the lymph nodes.
SkylineDx granted €2.7M for development skin cancer test

Innovative SMEs wanted for serious game development

Het Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (EZK) lanceert op 24 september 2018 in samenwerking met de Topsector Life Sciences & Health (LSH) een call gericht op de ontwikkeling van serious games. Met het Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)-instrument dagen zij innovatieve ondernemers uit om met vernieuwende ideeën te komen die ondersteuning bieden in het dagelijks functioneren van burgers.
Innovative SMEs wanted for serious game development

Holland Venture launches new fund at the MedtechPartners meeting and invests in LivAssured

Investment company Holland Venture invests with OostNL and Health Innovations Fund in LivAssured, which developed the revolutionary NightWatch in collaboration with neurologists and patient associations. With the investment in LivAssured, Holland Venture officially launched the Holland Venture Healthcare Innovation Fund II.
Holland Venture launches new fund at the MedtechPartners meeting and invests in LivAssured

Medtech Company IME Medical Electrospinning Establishes New High-Tech Production Facility to Set The World Wide Standard for Ground Breaking Regenerative Medicine Solutions

Two new cleanrooms and a high-end laboratory enable the development and large scale production of electrospun scaffolds that meet the stringent requirements of the Medtech Regenerative Medicine Industry
Medtech Company IME Medical Electrospinning Establishes New High-Tech Production Facility to Set The World Wide Standard for Ground Breaking Regenerative Medicine Solutions

Health~Holland Update September 2018

The new Health~Holland Update September 2018 edition is out now. Read our magazine that brings you the latest developments in the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health and get insight in the remarkable progress that is taking place in the Life Sciences & Health sector.
Health~Holland Update September 2018

aeescuvest and EIT Health launche first pan-European venture capital crowdfunding platform focused on healthcare

aescuvest en EIT Health kondigen vandaag de lancering aan van het eerste pan-Europese platform voor durfkapitaal crowdfunding voor Europese bedrijven in de zorg: aescuvest is het eerste platform dat zich volledig richt op het stimuleren en financieren van innovaties van Europese start-ups en MKB-bedrijven in de zorg. Met behulp van een volledig digitaal proces stelt het bedrijven in staat geld op te halen en geeft het EU-burgers de kans om, over landsgrenzen heen, te investeren.
aeescuvest and EIT Health launche first pan-European venture capital crowdfunding platform focused on healthcare

Apply now to present at Innovation for Health & Global Investor Forum 2019!

Do you want to raise capital or to find partners to co-develop your healthcare solution? Then pitch your company at the next edition of Innovation for Health and Global Investor Forum on 14 February 2019. The organisation is looking for 10 start-up and 6 scale-up companies, particularly young and innovative companies active in Life Sciences, medical technology, e-health, pharma and diagnostics. The conference brings together over 800 key players in Life Sciences & Health, providing a great opportunity for entrepreneurs and CEOs to get exposure amongst many leading investors, potential partners, future customers, other key stakeholders and opinion leaders.
Apply now to present at Innovation for Health & Global Investor Forum 2019!

Patients, doctors, scientists and financiers join forces in Dutch CardioVascular Alliance

Overvallen worden door een hartinfarct of een beroerte behoort over ruim 10 jaar tot het verleden. Die ambitie stelt de Dutch CardioVascular Alliance (DCVA) zich, een nieuw samenwerkingsverband van twaalf organisaties, wetenschappers en zorgprofessionals op het gebied van hart- en vaatonderzoek. De DCVA werd vandaag feestelijk gelanceerd tijdens een presentatie in het Muntgebouw in Utrecht.
Patients, doctors, scientists and financiers join forces in Dutch CardioVascular Alliance

MIND presents Knowledge Agenda

Er wordt regelmatig wetenschappelijk onderzoek gedaan naar psychische aandoeningen. Maar nog te weinig naar facetten die volgens ggz-cliënten en naasten veel meer impact kunnen hebben: denk aan het effect van langdurig gebruik van psychofarmaca op de gezondheid, of de relatie tussen leefstijl en een psychische aandoening. De agenda is tot stand gekomen door MIND i.s.m. SiRM en een panel van ervaringsdeskundige cliënten, familieleden en naasten.
MIND presents Knowledge Agenda