
Four public-private projects on big data and health have been awarded grants

In the Commit2Data round for Big Data & Health, four public-private research projects have been awarded grants for research into the early detection and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The Top Sector Life Sciences & Health, NWO, ZonMW, the Heart Foundation and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport have jointly made a total of €6.58 million available for these projects. The Netherlands eScience Center is also providing each project with support in the form of eScience Research Engineers.
Four public-private projects on big data and health have been awarded grants

The Netherlands continues to be European Innovation Leader

The Netherlands continues to be an innovation leader. In the authoritative European Innovation Scoreboard 2019 (EIS), the Netherlands ranks amongst the four strongest innovators, together with Sweden, Finland and Denmark. Luxembourg and the United Kingdom, unlike 2018, no longer rank amongst the innovation leaders.
The Netherlands continues to be European Innovation Leader

Ten million for One Health research in The Netherlands

Het Erasmus MC zal de komende vijf jaren met partners binnen het Netherlands Centre for One Health onderzoeken hoe we in Nederland beter voorbereid kunnen zijn op infectieziekten overgedragen door muggen. Hiertoe heeft NWO een bedrag van bijna negen miljoen euro onderzoeksgeld toegekend, aangevuld tot 10 miljoen door bijdragen van zeven publieke organisaties die meewerken in het onderzoek. Uniek is het multidisciplinaire karakter van de samenwerking, waarbij ook gebruik wordt gemaakt van Citizen Science.
Ten million for One Health research in The Netherlands

BIO 2019 in Philadelphia - One to remember

Last week, a stunning number of 17,300 attendees joined the BIO International Convention in Philadelphia. Branded with the theme “It Starts With One”, BIO highlighted the game changing impact of the small, daily efforts of BIO attendees. One of the exhibition floor’s highlights was the Health~Holland Pavilion, a not-to-miss orange landmark in a sea of country pavilions. Together with a delegation of 120 Dutch biotech entrepreneurs, we look back on a successful edition.
BIO 2019 in Philadelphia - One to remember

Antibiotic from snake venom is now effective against skin disease

In the battle against increasing resistance towards antibiotics, a major breakthrough has been achieved with the development of antibiotics based on the venom from snakes, scorpions and other poisonous animals.
Antibiotic from snake venom is now effective against skin disease

Dutch company Kiadis Pharma raises €28M to push cancer cell therapy to European market

The Dutch Kiadis Pharma has raised €27.6M in a private placement to fund the clinical development of immune cell therapies treating blood cancer.
Dutch company Kiadis Pharma raises €28M to push cancer cell therapy to European market

Life Sciences & Health grant for gene therapy partnership between the Amsterdam Center for Neurogenomics & Cognitive Research and DegenRx

Center for Neurogenomics & Cognitive Research (CNCR) and DegenRx B.V. a biopharmaceutical company in the field of neurodegenerative diseases, announced today that they have been awarded a grant from the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (Health~Holland) for their joint research program on antibody-based gene therapy for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
Life Sciences & Health grant for gene therapy partnership between the Amsterdam Center for Neurogenomics & Cognitive Research and DegenRx

Dutch Cabinet establishes 25 missions for the future: 5 address Health & Care

On 26 April, the Dutch Cabinet decided in the Council of Ministers to implement the mission-driven innovation policy. In total, eight ministries, together with entrepreneurs and knowledge institutions from the nine different top sectors, have established 25 missions. These will strengthen the Dutch economy within four societal challenges: 1) Energy Transition & Sustainability, 2) Agriculture, Water & Food, 3) Health & Care and 4) Security & Key Enabling Technologies.
Dutch Cabinet establishes 25 missions for the future: 5 address Health & Care

Three medical innovations nominated as finalists new National Icons

Tien innovatieve technologieën zijn genomineerd als finalisten voor de verkiezing van de nieuwe Nationale Iconen. Het gaat om Nederlandse oplossingen voor wereldwijde vraagstukken op het gebied van gezondheid, energie, digitalisering, circulaire materialen en mobiliteit. Het kabinet maakt in september bekend wie de uiteindelijke winnaars zijn.
Three medical innovations nominated as finalists new National Icons

Full house at strategic conference Health & Care

With the recent announcement of the mission-driven innovation policy, the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (LSH) has been appointed to coordinate the realisation of the new Knowledge & Innovation Agenda (KIA) and Contract (KIC) 2020-2023 concerning the global challenges of Health & Care. The Top Sector therefore organised a strategic conference on 16 May to start the dialogue with all stakeholders in the sector and collect input.
Full house at strategic conference Health & Care