
National Study into the Consequences of Corona in Nursing Homes

Verpleeghuizen zouden ruimte moeten krijgen om hun eigen bezoekersregeling te bepalen. Deze en andere aanbevelingen komen uit onderzoek dat het LUMC en UMCG uitvoeren binnen de academische werkplaatsen ouderenzorg.
National Study into the Consequences of Corona in Nursing Homes

How the Netherlands’ Life Sciences & Health Sector is Racing to Find Solutions to COVID-19

The highly-collaborative Life Sciences & Health cluster in the Netherlands is working feverishly around the clock to try and develop solutions for COVID-19 Collaboration is in the Dutch DNA and is perhaps more vital than ever in light of the c
How the Netherlands’ Life Sciences & Health Sector is Racing to Find Solutions to COVID-19

Announcement Start Programmes NWO-KIC (Knowledge and Innovation Covenant) and Two Calls via ZonMw

In juli starten 7 NWO-programma’s die vallen binnen het Kennis en Innovatieconvenant (KIC) 2020-2023. Binnen deze programma’s werkt NWO samen met ZonMw aan 2 calls: ‘Leefstijl en leefomgeving’ en ‘Mensen met dementie’.
Announcement Start Programmes NWO-KIC (Knowledge and Innovation Covenant) and Two Calls via ZonMw

Scenic Biotech Awarded €3.1 Million Innovation Credit

Scenic Biotech, a pioneer in the discovery of genetic modifiers to enable the development of disease modifying therapeutics for rare genetic disorders and other devastating illnesses, announced that it has been awarded a €3.1 million Innovation Cred
Scenic Biotech Awarded €3.1 Million Innovation Credit

Development of Antibiotics Main Theme During World Summit 9 July

De wereld wordt bedreigd door bacteriën die resistent zijn tegen medicijnen. Anders dan bij COVID-19 gaat die ontwikkeling haast ongemerkt.
Development of Antibiotics Main Theme During World Summit 9 July

Health~Holland is Hiring: Community Manager

Health~Holland, zoals het uitvoerende bureau van de Topsector Life Sciences & Health (LSH) zich naar buiten toe profileert, heeft de laatste jaren een sterke groei doorgemaakt qua aantal en omvang van de door haar gesubsidieerde publiek-private
Health~Holland is Hiring: Community Manager

Heart-on-a-Chip Measures the Effect of Coronavirus Infection and COVID-19 Medication on the Heart

Onderzoekers van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC) gaan samen met collega’s van de Universiteit Twente een hart-op-een-chip gebruiken om de onbekende effecten van COVID-19 op het hart te meten.
Heart-on-a-Chip Measures the Effect of Coronavirus Infection and COVID-19 Medication on the Heart

Key Stakeholders Massachusetts and the Netherlands Meet Again in Virtual Session

Two weeks ago, key stakeholders from Massachusetts and the Netherlands came together in a digital session to discuss how the Life Sciences & Health ecosystems are responding to COVID-19, which lessons could be learned from the reaction to the pa
Key Stakeholders Massachusetts and the Netherlands Meet Again in Virtual Session

Stevin Prize for Immunologist Ton Schumacher

Immunologist Ton Schumacher of the Netherlands Cancer Institute, also Professor at Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), is being awarded the Stevin Prize. With the Spinoza Prize, the winners of which are also being announced today, this is the highest academic prize in the Netherlands. The Stevin Prize is awarded to researchers whose research has major social impact.
Stevin Prize for Immunologist Ton Schumacher

Smart Chemistry Rids Anti-Cancer Drugs of Serious Side Effects

Researchers led by Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) have made an important discovery regarding the widely used anti-cancer drug doxorubicin.
Smart Chemistry Rids Anti-Cancer Drugs of Serious Side Effects