
First Drug Against COVID-19 Approved

Virusremmer remdesivir van geneesmiddelenbedrijf Gilead is, als eerste medicijn tegen COVID-19, onder voorwaarden goedgekeurd door de Europese medicijnautoriteiten, melden het CBG en het EMA donderdag 25 juni.
First Drug Against COVID-19 Approved

New Cause Discovered of Blood Disease Beta Thalassemia

Onderzoekers van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC) hebben een nieuwe oorzaak ontdekt van de erfelijke bloedziekte bèta-thalassemie. Dat is bijzonder, want wetenschappers dachten alles al te weten over deze ziekte.
New Cause Discovered of Blood Disease Beta Thalassemia

Researchers Discover How a Stem Cell Becomes a T Cell

T cells are perhaps the most important immune cells in the body, but nobody knew exactly how they were produced.
Researchers Discover How a Stem Cell Becomes a T Cell

Just Launched: Health~Holland Update Special COVID-19 Edition

“Everything must change. Nothing stays the same. Everyone must change. No one stays the same. The young become the old. Mysteries do unfold. Cause that’s the way of time. Nothing and no one goes unchanged”.
Just Launched: Health~Holland Update Special COVID-19 Edition

Janssen Starts Testing Candidate Vaccine COVID-19 on Test Subjects

Janssen, onderdeel van Johnson & Johnson, is gestart met het testen van een kandidaat-vaccin tegen COVID-19 bij vrijwilligers in België en de Verenigde Staten.
Janssen Starts Testing Candidate Vaccine COVID-19 on Test Subjects

Pfizer and BioNTech Start Global Phase 2/3 Study with One Selected Candidate Vaccine

Pfizer en BioNTech hebben uit vier mogelijke vaccins tegen COVID-19 een keuze gemaakt voor één mRNA kandidaat-vaccin. Hiermee starten ze een wereldwijde cruciale fase 2/3 vervolgstudie.
Pfizer and BioNTech Start Global Phase 2/3 Study with One Selected Candidate Vaccine

Intravacc and Celonic to Develop and Produce a Novel COVID-19 Vaccine

Intravacc, a global leader in translational research and development of viral and bacterial vaccines, and Celonic Group, a premium biopharmaceutical contract development a
Intravacc and Celonic to Develop and Produce a Novel COVID-19 Vaccine

Financial Times: Are T Cells the Missing Link in Immunity COVID-19?

Wetenschappers die zich tot nu toe vooral hebben geconcentreerd op de rol van antilichamen in de strijd tegen COVID-19, beginnen te vermoeden dat een ander deel van het immuunsysteem even cruciaal is: T-cellen.
Financial Times: Are T Cells the Missing Link in Immunity COVID-19?

Now available! NL Health~Holland Guide 2020-2021

Task Force Health Care and Health~Holland proudly present the latest edition of the NL Health~Holland Guide! This guide presents a wide range of innovative Dutch organisations, which are active worldwide, in the Life Sciences & Healthcare sector
Now available! NL Health~Holland Guide 2020-2021

Venture Challenge Summer 2020: Meet the Teams

Three months later than planned, due to COVID-19, the Venture Challenge Summer 2020 kicked off last week with five Life Sciences & Health startups participating in the first bootcamp at Pivot Park.
Venture Challenge Summer 2020: Meet the Teams