
Health~Holland Update, July 2015

We are happy to present to you our bimonthly Health~Holland Update. In this magazine we provide you with the latest insights and developments of Health~Holland (top sector Life Sciences & Health).
Health~Holland Update, July 2015

More Accurate Prediction on Prognosis in Multiple Myeloma (bone marrow cancer)

SkylineDx, an innovative biotechnology company specialising in the development and commercialization of genetic tests, is today launching its MMprofiler assay. This test enables clinicians to more accurately predict the prognosis of patients with multiple myeloma (MM) bone marrow cancer) than traditional methods.
More Accurate Prediction on Prognosis in Multiple Myeloma (bone marrow cancer)

The Cabinet presents Antibiotic Resistance Approach

Minister Edith Schippers (VWS) heeft met de zorgsector afspraken gemaakt over de strijd tegen antibioticaresistentie. Partijen uit de zorg erkennen de urgentie om onjuist gebruik van antibiotica in de zorg terug te dringen en zetten in op infectiepreventie. Daarnaast moet er onderzoek komen naar nieuwe antibiotica, behandelingen, medische technologie en alternatieven voor antibiotica.
The Cabinet presents Antibiotic Resistance Approach

Co-founder Agendia wins European Inventor Award

Mede‐oprichtster en Chief Research Officer van Agendia Laura van't Veer, Ph.D, heeft de European Inventor Award gewonnen in de categorie MKB – een prestigieuze innovatieprijs van het Europees Octrooi Bureau, met wereldwijd slechts 15 genomineerde uitvinders invijf categorieën.
Co-founder Agendia wins European Inventor Award

Health~Holland proudly presents the Knowledge & Innovation Agenda

Health-holland proudly presents the Knowledge & Innovation Agenda. This K&I Agenda describes the sector's strategic headlines for the year 2016-2019.
Health~Holland proudly presents the Knowledge & Innovation Agenda

Lygature: pioneering medicine together

Today, CTMM and TI Pharma, the two largest public-private top institutes in the Dutch top sector Life Sciences & Health, presented their plans and ambition for their joint future during the CTMM + TI Pharma Launch Meeting at the Muntgebouw in Utrecht. CTMM (Center for Translational Molecular Medicine) and TI Pharma (Top Institute Pharma) also announced that the new merged organization will from now on be known as Lygature. Lygature will focus on partnerships for medical innovation.
Lygature: pioneering medicine together

Schippers wants an innovative network for healthcare startups

Minister Edith Schippers (VWS) gaat de mogelijkheden onderzoeken van het oprichten in Nederland van een innovatief, creatief netwerk om jonge start-up bedrijven in de zorg nog beter te ondersteunen. Hierdoor kunnen sneller innovaties worden toegepast die de zorg voor patiënten beter en betaalbaar maken. Schippers leidde de afgelopen week een economische missie in Chicago en Boston van Nederlandse bedrijven in de sectoren Life Sciences and Health en Landbouw en Voedingsindustrie.
Schippers wants an innovative network for healthcare startups

LabForRent stimulates innovation in Life Sciences

The Netherlands has gained a unique start-up. On 20 May 2015, LabForRent launched an online marketplace for supply and demand of laboratory spaces. They are capitalising on an increasingly growing problem: the current overcapacity of lab spaces and the lack of initiatives that bring the lessor and lessee in contact with each other.
LabForRent stimulates innovation in Life Sciences

Conquest: winner Health~Holland Venture Challenge Spring 2015

Conquest pitched together with 5 fellow Venture Challenge Teams during the Dutch Life Sciences SME Event organized by HollandBio on 4 June. Conquest has developed a novel nanoparticle technology that provides unique multimodal imaging contrast. With this technique they aim to create a revolution in current diagnostic imaging. Conquest was represented by Mangala Srinivas, Erik Aarntzen and Frank Smeets of Radboudumc, together they accepted the Health~Holland Venture Challenge prize of 25,000 euro.
Conquest: winner Health~Holland Venture Challenge Spring 2015

Toxys wins BioBusiness Masterclass Award 2015

Gisteren sleepte Toxys de BioBusiness Masterclass Award 2015 in de wacht tijdens het HollandBIO Dutch Life Sciences SME Event. Het bedrijf, een spin-off van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC), ontwikkelde de ToxTracker test. Deze in vitro assay van Toxys is gebaseerd op embryonale stamcellen en maakt het mogelijk om verschillende kankerverwekkende effecten van stoffen op een eenvoudige en betrouwbare manier te identificeren.
Toxys wins BioBusiness Masterclass Award 2015