
Inventory Dutch Antibiotic Research

Het ministerie van VWS heeft InnoTact Consulting verzocht om een nationale samenwerkingsstructuur uit te werken. Als onderdeel hiervan inventariseren we de Nederlandse onderzoeks- en ontwikkelingsprojecten en programma’s die leiden tot nieuwe antibiotica, alternatieve behandelingen (peptiden, bacteriofagen, vaccins etc) of hiervoor in te zetten technologieën.
Inventory Dutch Antibiotic Research

Johnson & Johnson Announces Start of Clinical Trial of Ebola Vaccine Regimen in Sierra Leone

Johnson & Johnson announced the start of a safety and immunogenicity clinical trial in Sierra Leone of a preventive Ebola vaccine regimen in development at its Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies. Trial recruitment is underway, and the first volunteers have received their initial vaccine dose.
Johnson & Johnson Announces Start of Clinical Trial of Ebola Vaccine Regimen in Sierra Leone

Top Sector LSH Innovation Contract 2016-2017

The Top Sector Life Sciences & Health finalised the construction of the Innovation Contract (IC) for 2016-2017. This contract is in line with the formerly published Knowledge & Innovation Agenda (KIA) 2016-2019 and includes an overview of the indicative investments of the sector's stakeholders for the upcoming two years.
Top Sector LSH Innovation Contract 2016-2017

Knowledge & Innovation Contract 2016-2017

In dit contract bekrachtigen bedrijven, maatschappelijke instellingen, kennispartijen en overheden hun inzet op de belangrijke innovatiethema’s voor de jaren 2016-2017. Daarmee wordt voortgebouwd op de samenwerking die de afgelopen jaren in gang is gezet.
Knowledge & Innovation Contract 2016-2017

LSP’s Clemens Van Blitterswijk receives the prestigious Huibregtsen Prize for 2015

Clemens van Blitterswijk, partner at LSP (Life Sciences Partners), the specialist healthcare investment firm, has won the prestigious Huibregtsen Prize 2015 for the development of bone-inducing biomaterials.
LSP’s Clemens Van Blitterswijk receives the prestigious Huibregtsen Prize for 2015

Schippers gaat innovatieve Nederlandse zorgbedrijvigheid (inter)nationaal stimuleren

Minister Edith Schippers (VWS) gaat de ontwikkeling van Nederlandse medisch-technologische innovaties stimuleren. Er komen ‘Health Deals’ tussen overheid en (private) partners die duurzame zorginnovaties verder op weg helpen. Schippers wil met de sector Life Sciences & Health (LSH) op nieuwe economische missies gaan. De Tweede Kamer is vandaag over de plannen geïnformeerd.
Schippers gaat innovatieve Nederlandse zorgbedrijvigheid (inter)nationaal stimuleren

Agendia Highlights Study Showing MammaPrint/BluePrint Tests Predict Response to Current Breast Cancer Chemotherapy and Targeted Therapy Regimens

Agendia’s MammaPrint® and BluePrint® tests provide new insights that may provide many more women with beneficial treatment for breast cancer before surgery, according to findings presented at the 2015 Breast Cancer Symposium.
Agendia Highlights Study Showing MammaPrint/BluePrint Tests Predict Response to Current Breast Cancer Chemotherapy and Targeted Therapy Regimens

AM-Pharma and Pfizer Inc. shortlisted for "Best Partnership Alliance" in 2015 Scrip Awards

AM‐Pharma B.V. and Pfizer Inc. have been nominated for the prestigious category of “Best Partnership Alliance” for the 11th Annual Scrip Awards, organised by Scrip Intelligence, the leading source of news and strategic analysis for the global pharmaceutical industry.
AM-Pharma and Pfizer Inc. shortlisted for "Best Partnership Alliance" in 2015 Scrip Awards

Cristal Therapeutics Starts Clinical Phase I Trial with Nanomedicine CriPec® Docetaxel in Patients with Solid Tumours

Cristal Therapeutics, a privately-held life sciences company developing innovative drugs against cancer and other diseases, today announced the recent start of a clinical phase I trial with its lead candidate CriPec® docetaxel in patients with solid tumours.
Cristal Therapeutics Starts Clinical Phase I Trial with Nanomedicine CriPec® Docetaxel in  Patients with Solid Tumours

Health~Holland launches online portal

Under the flag of Health~Holland, the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (LSH) aims to connect and support innovative organisations active in the Dutch LSH sector. This user-friendly online gateway serves as the central information hub for life sciences and health SMEs and other organisations in the Netherlands and internationally.
Health~Holland launches online portal