
VWS investeert in samenwerking met de Topsector LSH miljoenen in nieuwe antibiotica

Minister Edith Schippers (VWS) investeert de komende 4 jaar ruim 6 miljoen euro in onderzoek naar nieuwe antibiotica. Het geld is bestemd voor een nieuw onderzoeksprogramma voor de ontwikkeling van antibiotica, in samenwerking met o.a. de Topsector Life Sciences & Health, en verbonden aan het eveneens nieuw op te richten National Antibiotic Development Platform.
VWS investeert in samenwerking met de Topsector LSH miljoenen in nieuwe antibiotica

Brightlands Smart Services Campus officially started

Op 12 september 2016 opent de Brightlands Smart Services Campus in Heerlen officieel zijn deuren.
Brightlands Smart Services Campus officially started

National Icons 2016: finalists

The 10 finalists of the “National Icons 2016” election were announced at the Ministry of Economic Affairs on Wednesday September 7. All finalists presented their pioneering innovations in a two minute pitch to Dutch entrepreneurs, scientists and Henk Kamp, the Minister of Economic Affairs.
National Icons 2016: finalists

Health~Holland Update July 2016

In this summer edition of the Health~Holland Update, we are proud to introduce new Top Team member Erik Gerritsen and provide further details about the world-class institute for regenerative medicine. We highlight some current open calls like the MIT Scheme R&D or MS Research Call, we report on events and much more. Read it here.
Health~Holland Update July 2016

European Commission to invest €8.5 billion in research and innovation in 2017

The European Commission announced an investment of €8.5 billion to be released during 2017 into research and innovation, following an update to the Work Programme of Horizon 2020, the EU's research and innovation funding programme.
European Commission to invest €8.5 billion in research and innovation in 2017

Launch National Community for Healthcare Innovation

Online platform breidt in samenwerking met het ministerie van VWS de website uit met een landelijk forum voor kennisuitwisseling en debat rondom zorginnovatie.
Launch National Community for Healthcare Innovation

Responsible Innovation. Societal challenges and solutions

In 2016, the NWO Responsible Innovation research programme will develop into a platform for responsible innovation to provide information, inspiration and contacts for researchers, companies, government bodies and societal organisations.

Neuroscientist Jeroen Geurts new chairman ZonMw

Jeroen Geurts is de nieuwe voorzitter van ZonMw. Geurts is opvolger van Pauline Meurs die tot 1 mei 2015 voorzitter was van ZonMw. Geurts wordt ook per 1 januari 2017 lid van de raad van bestuur van NWO.
Neuroscientist Jeroen Geurts new chairman ZonMw

Powerful new institute for regenerative medicine

RegMed XB is het nieuwe instituut voor regeneratieve geneeskunde. De samenwerking richt zich eerst op nieuwe oplossingen voor patiënten met diabetes, nierziekten en osteoartritis (artrose). In REGMED XB (REGenerative MEDicine crossing Borders) werken straks gezondheidsfondsen, wetenschappers, ondernemers en artsen samen vanuit hun eigen instellingen.
Powerful new institute for regenerative medicine

NightBalance closes EUR 12.5 million financing to support commercial rollout in Europe and enter the U.S. market

NightBalance BV announced the completion of a EUR 12.5 million Series B financing round led by INKEF Capital and Gilde Healthcare Partners.
NightBalance closes EUR 12.5 million financing to support commercial rollout in Europe and enter the U.S. market