
Report on joint Human Capital Agenda 2016-2020

The report illustrates the results and collaboration between the nine different top sectors.
Report on joint Human Capital Agenda 2016-2020

Proposal for FET Flagship on Biofabrication for Regenerative Medicine

This FET Flagship proposal contains a statement on the clustering of health topics in biofabrication for regenerative medicine. Related to the following topics: Human Printing Era (HOPE), organ-on-chip technology, European initiative for regenerative medicine, and sensory restoration.
Proposal for FET Flagship on Biofabrication for Regenerative Medicine

Dutch Healthcare system higly ranked in International Health Policy Survey

Amerikaanse denktank The Commonwalth Fund (CWF) legt Westerse landen langs de meetlat. En wederom scoort de Nederlandse zorg hoog in een internationaal onderzoek.
Dutch Healthcare system higly ranked in International Health Policy Survey

Lygature opens new office at Utrecht Innovation hub

Vandaag opent Lygature haar nieuwe werkomgeving in Utrecht. Lygature, het resultaat van de fusie tussen CTMM en TI Pharma, is de eerste bewoner van de JIM: de Jaarbeurs Innovation Mile. De opening wordt verzorgd door de burgemeester van Utrecht, Jan van Zanen, en David Pappie, directeur topsectoren van het Ministerie van Economische Zaken.
Lygature opens new office at Utrecht Innovation hub

MyLife Technologies secures new growth capital

A consortium of informal investors has invested 0.5 million € in MyLife Technologies, a med tech company developing dermal delivery solutions based on its platform technology of ceramic nano-porous MicroNeedle Arrays (npMNA).
MyLife Technologies secures new growth capital

AdAlta Licenses Alzheimer's Disease-Specific Shark Antibodies to Crossbeta Biosciences for Therapeutic and Diagnostic Development

AdAlta Limited, a biotechnology company specialising in the discovery and development of protein-based therapeutics, and Crossbeta Biosciences, a biotechnology company with unique technology for therapeutic and diagnostic use in neurodegenerative disorders, announced their commercialisation agreement.
AdAlta Licenses Alzheimer's Disease-Specific Shark Antibodies to Crossbeta Biosciences for Therapeutic and Diagnostic Development

Mucosis Initiates First-in-Human Study of SynGEM, a Needle-Free Nasal Spray RSV Vaccine

Mucosis, a clinical stage biotechnology company using a proprietary technology platform to develop next-generation and needle-free human vaccines for infectious diseases, announces the start of a first-in-human study of its intranasal Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine candidate, SynGEM, at Imperial College London’s Clinical Research Facility.

Create Health at Drive Festival: Partnerships in design and healthcare

Hoe creëer je zorginnovaties met impact? Lees hier het verslag naar van het Drive Festival waar Create Health presenteerde over partnerschappen in design en healthcare.
Create Health at Drive Festival: Partnerships in design and healthcare

Pink Ribbon and KWF join forces

De stichtingen Pink Ribbon en KWF Kankerbestrijding voegen vanaf vandaag de bedrijfsvoering samen met als doel een substantiële groei van inkomsten te realiseren voor borstkankeronderzoek. Het merk en de identiteit van Pink Ribbon blijven in deze samenwerking behouden.
Pink Ribbon and KWF join forces

New collaboration with China on elderly care

Staatssecretaris Martin van Rijn (VWS) en zijn Chinese collega, vice-minister Gao Xiaobing (Civil Affairs), hebben een 3-jarige overeenkomst getekend om samen te werken op het terrein van ouderenzorg.
New collaboration with China on elderly care