
Building on Cures Act, FDA lays out cell therapy fast track in regenerative medicine framework

The FDA has created a policy framework for cellular therapies and other regenerative medicines by releasing two draft and two final guidance documents. Publication of the texts builds on the 21st Century Cures Act by setting criteria for the new Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT) designation and outlining the benefits of the regulatory status.
Building on Cures Act, FDA lays out cell therapy fast track in regenerative medicine framework

hDMT seeks collaborators for €4M NWO-TTW Perspectief Program proposal

hDMT is the Dutch Organ-on-Chip consortium, with currently near 100 affiliated research leaders. hDMT’s researchers work in fourteen academic research institutions, university medical centers and biotechnology companies. They share their knowledge and expertise to develop Organ-on-Chip models, by integrating state-of-the-art human stem cell technologies and top level engineering with a wide variety of other disciplines.
hDMT seeks collaborators for €4M NWO-TTW Perspectief Program proposal

Xeltis Closes €45 Million Series C Financing

Xeltis, a clinical-stage medical device company pioneering a restorative approach in heart valve therapy, today announced the completion of an oversubscribed €45 million ($52 million) Series C financing.
Xeltis Closes €45 Million Series C Financing

Unique collaboration IPH with the four big healthcare insurers

Het Institute for Positive Health (iPH), VGZ, Menzis, CZ en Zilveren Kruis tekenden vandaag een overeenkomst waarmee zij gezamenlijk hun maatschappelijke taak en verantwoordelijkheid laten zien om de patiëntgerichte zorg te bevorderen.
Unique collaboration IPH with the four big healthcare insurers

Your chance to determine which countries & regions get priority!

In welke landen ziet u kansen? Welke belemmeringen verdienen aandacht? Welke ondersteuning vindt u belangrijk? Laat het ons weten in het onderzoek Internationale Kansen & Knelpunten 2018!
Your chance to determine which countries & regions get priority!

Starting capital for Amylon Therapeutics

Op 7 november 2017 ontving Amylon Therapeutics, een spin-off van het Leidse, NASDAQ-genoteerde ProQR Therapeutics, een investering van € 300.000 van investeringsfonds UNIIQ voor de ontwikkeling van een kandidaatmedicijn tegen de Katwijkse Ziekte, een ongeneeslijke, erfelijke aandoening die gekenmerkt wordt door hersenbloedingen.
Starting capital for Amylon Therapeutics

Centres of Expertise collaborate on co-creation with patients

Vier Centres of Expertise gericht op gezondheid en zorg, slaan de handen ineen om co-creatie met patiënten verder te brengen. Kennis over de mogelijkheden en methoden van co-creatie in de zorg vanuit verschillende achtergronden werd samengebracht in een publicatie Shared Insights on Co-Creation in Healthcare en is aangeboden aan Erik Gerritsen, secretaris-generaal van het Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport.
Centres of Expertise collaborate on co-creation with patients

FME: Time for a National Healthcare Technology Agenda

De zorg in Nederland behoort tot de beste van Europa. Om ervoor te zorgen dat dit zo blijft, moeten we met elkaar de grote maatschappelijke uitdagingen in de zorg aanpakken: te weinig mensen die in de zorg werken en steeds meer mensen die zorg nodig hebben. Slimme technologie biedt oplossingen die de kwaliteit en betaalbaarheid van de zorg verbeteren.
FME: Time for a National Healthcare Technology Agenda

Health~Holland Webinar: Everything you always wanted to know about Internationalisation & Export (but were afraid to ask)

On Tuesday 31 October 2017, Top Sector Life Sciences & Health hosted a webinar on the ins and outs of internationalisation and export. Maintaining health and vitality is a worldwide challenge, which provides companies with business opportunities at an international level. But how can you seize these opportunities? If you are (thinking of) going abroad and don’t know where to start then watch the webinar and learn some valuable lessons in just one hour!
Health~Holland Webinar: Everything you always wanted to know about Internationalisation & Export (but were afraid to ask)

BioGeneration Ventures Fund III Reaches EUR 82 Million in Final Close

BioGeneration Ventures (BGV) closes its third fund, BGV III, at EUR 82 million exceeding its target to accommodate strong interest from private, institutional and strategic investors. Investments from Bristol-Myers Squibb and Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JJDC.
BioGeneration Ventures Fund III Reaches EUR 82 Million in Final Close