
Batavia Biosciences partners with IAVI to advance development of vaccine against lassa fever

Batavia Biosciences announces that the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) and Batavia Biosciences will work together under a grant to advance the development of a Lassa fever vaccine.
Batavia Biosciences partners with IAVI to advance development of vaccine against lassa fever

Make use of TFHC in’s Individual Coaching Programme: Starters International Business (SIB)!

TFHC proudly presents you the “Starters International Business” (SIB) programme. As an official coaching agency in the SIB-programme TFHC cooperates with and a team of experienced healthcare experts. By setting up a thorough internationalisation approach and strategy, during this individual coaching programme, experienced healthcare experts will deliver support when tackling your specific export quests, challenges, issues!
Make use of TFHC in’s Individual Coaching Programme: Starters International Business (SIB)!

Predictive medicine – mining the matrix of omics and the environment

Understanding the complex interactions that take place in the body in response to genomics, behavior and the environment has the potential to make predictive medicine a powerful tool for risk assessment and patient profiling. The upcoming Health-RI Conference takes a look.
Predictive medicine – mining the matrix of omics and the environment

Public and private organisations invest heavily in innovative metabolic MRI-scanner of the UMC Utrecht

Philips en Health~Holland investeren samen met acht kennisinstellingen en een spin-off bedrijf voor 49 miljoen in het installeren en implementeren van klinische MRI-scanners die naast anatomie en fysiologie nu ook metabolisme in beeld kunnen brengen.
Public and private organisations invest heavily in innovative metabolic MRI-scanner of the UMC Utrecht

Health~Holland Update December 2018

The new Health~Holland Update December 2018 is out now! Read this festive edition of our magazine that bears witness to a snowball effect for the Life Sciences & Health sector and start the Christmas holiday season with inspirational gatherings and collaborations.
Health~Holland Update December 2018

Horizon 2020: more than 3 billion for Dutch research and innovation

Nederland heeft tot nu toe ruim € 3 miljard ontvangen van de € 39,7 miljard die de Europese Commissie in het kader van Horizon 2020 heeft toegekend. Hiermee neemt Nederland de 6e plaats in van EU-lidstaten die de meeste middelen uit Horizon 2020 ontvangen.
Horizon 2020: more than 3 billion for Dutch research and innovation

SeraNovo wins the 20th edition of the LS@W Venture Challenge

Today at the Dutch Life Science Conference, Chrétien Herben, director of the LifeSciences@Work Accelerator, announced SeraNovo as winning team of the 20th edition of the Venture Challenge. The Leiden-based start-up SeraNovo helps pharmaceutical companies increase bioavailability of their drugs through an innovative formulation platform.
SeraNovo wins the 20th edition of the LS@W Venture Challenge

LifeSciences@Work celebrated its tenth anniversary with a special publication

The national accelerator for high potential startups LifeSciences@Work started in 2008, and now in 2018, it proudly celebrates its tenth anniversary. To mark this festive occasion, a special edition of the Health~Holland Update is devoted to the LS@W accelerator programme. Read the new publication here.
LifeSciences@Work celebrated its tenth anniversary with a special publication

MDxHealth announces approval for SelectMDx for prostate cancer by New York State

MDxHealth SA (Euronext: MDXH.BR) announced that the New York State Department of Health has approved its SelectMDx test for Prostate Cancer. This completes MDxHealth's state licensing requirements for SelectMDx, allowing the Company to offer the liquid biopsy test in all 50 states across the US.
MDxHealth announces approval for SelectMDx for prostate cancer by New York State

Mark Vermeulen new Director Aidsfonds - Soa Aids Nederland

Mark Vermeulen is de nieuwe directeur van Aidsfonds - Soa Aids Nederland. Dat heeft de Raad van Toezicht van de stichting vanmiddag bekend gemaakt. Mark Vermeulen (39 jaar) brengt 10 jaar ervaring met zich mee, hij komt uit de eigen organisatie. Als nieuwe leider wil hij een impuls geven aan de aids- en soa- bestrijding in Nederland en in de wereld. Hij is de eerste directeur die zelf openlijk leeft met hiv.
Mark Vermeulen new Director Aidsfonds - Soa Aids Nederland