
VITAL European Project Kicks Off

Recently, the EU-sponsored Vaccines and InfecTious diseases in the Ageing popuLation (VITAL) project was launched. VITAL will address – in a public-private consortium – the challenges of infections in the elderly and the potential of infection prevention by vaccination.
VITAL European Project Kicks Off

Looking back at 2018 with the new Health~Holland Year in Review

We are proud to present the latest and greatest of the Life Sciences & Health sector. This fifth edition of the Year in Review brings you highlights and activities from the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health. Read the online magazine here.
Looking back at 2018 with the new Health~Holland Year in Review

Stimuleringsregeling E-health Thuis (SET)

Bent u aanbieder of inkoper van ondersteuning of zorg en wilt u een e-health toepassing(en) opschalen en structureel borgen? Dan is de Stimuleringsregeling E-Health Thuis (SET) mogelijk iets voor uw samenwerkingsverband.
Stimuleringsregeling E-health Thuis (SET)

Grant call on sustainable care for cardiovascular diseases

De Hartstichting, ZonMw en NWO investeren in ‘Hart voor duurzame zorg’, een gezamenlijke subsidieoproep met een totale omvang van vijf miljoen euro. Heb je een briljant idee voor een nieuwe medische technologie? Of brengt je bestaande experimentele technologie naar de kliniek? Dien dan uiterlijk 9 april een voorstel in.
Grant call on sustainable care for cardiovascular diseases

Oncode Institute is at full strength with 19 new cancer researchers

Oncode Institute is pleased to announce that 19 excellent scientists and their research groups join Oncode Institute per 2019. Oncode grows to 62 research groups, spread over 12 academic institutions throughout The Netherlands. With this expansion, Oncode welcomes a total of 4 new institutes: Amsterdam UMC - location VUMC, Leiden University, UMC Groningen and Sanquin.
Oncode Institute is at full strength with 19 new cancer researchers

Call for proposals: ZonMw Open Competition For renewal in research and collaboration

ZonMw opened its call for proposals for the ZonMw Open Competition. The aim of the ZonMw Open Competition is to create space for excellent, curiosity-driven, groundbreaking science. Research groups of excellent quality can use a grant of €750,000 to renew their line of research and enter into new collaborations.
Call for proposals: ZonMw Open Competition For renewal in research and collaboration

Health-RI Conference - Opening doors to P4 Health

It was fantastic to see the enthusiasm of the more than 300 academic researchers, health care professionals, IT-specialists, and representatives of patients, industry and policy who gathered together on January 17 at the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht for the 2019 Health-RI Conference.
Health-RI Conference - Opening doors to P4 Health

DuPont Breaks Ground on New European Headquarters for Industrial Biosciences in the Netherlands

DuPont Industrial Biosciences officially broke ground on its new site at the Leiden Bio Science Park in Oegstgeest, the Netherlands. The state-of-the-art, multidisciplinary facility will utilize the tools of modern biotechnology to make industrial processes more efficient and products more sustainable.
DuPont Breaks Ground on New European Headquarters for Industrial Biosciences in the Netherlands

Janssen Pharmaceutica scholarships for biomedical start-ups

Janssen Pharmaceutica NV has made available two scholarships for the blended course Clinical Development from Paul Janssen Futurelab Leiden (PJ Futurelab). PJ Futurelab is a non-profit, independent education & training initiative of the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) and Leiden University.
Janssen Pharmaceutica scholarships for biomedical start-ups

Prevent patient data from becoming outlawed

Voorkom dat patiëntgegevens vogelvrij worden als patiënten hun medische gegevens zelf gaan beheren. Dat kan door een Patiëntgeheim in het leven te roepen.
Prevent patient data from becoming outlawed