BIO International Convention 2023: Standing up for Science, Dutch Biotech and Transatlantic Cooperation!

The BIO International Convention 2023 last week in Boston had it all. With this year’s tagline ‘Standing up for Science’ in mind, HollandBIO – together with Health~Holland – stood up for the Dutch biotech sector by hosting a big bright orange pavilion and extending its transatlantic collaboration with Massachusetts. To top it off, the world’s biggest biotech conference intertwined with an economic mission jointly led by Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Policy Micky Adriaansens and Minister for Health, Welfare and Sport Ernst Kuipers and mission leader Hans Schikan. We are proud to have been able to put both Ministers in the spotlight during the conference for a Super Session, an Executive Roundtable and a Fireside Chat, where they represented the Dutch life sciences ecosystem and could revel in innovations that are developed by the global biotech community.

HollandBIO wrote more about the Dutch Ministers visiting the BIO convention, why Boston is the place to showcase the Dutch biotech sector and more about the Transatlantic Partnership. Have a look here!

We post daily highlights within the international life sciences & health ecosystem on our Health~Holland international LinkedIn page, give it a follow if you don't want to miss anything!

BIO convention Boston 2023 









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