Amsterdam UMC is first ever hospital using AI to discharge ICU patients

The decision when to discharge patients form the intensive care is now assisted by using AI in the Amsterdam UMC. This will ease the pressure on the limited space in the intensive care ahead of future COVID-19 waves. 

UMC teams up with Pacmed on AI intensivist tool

he Amsterdam UMC will use a pioneering AI tool to help them deciding when to discharge a patient from the intensive care. Paul Erbers and Patric Thoral, intensive care specialists of the UMC, worked with software developer Pacmed on the AI. It is believed to be the first such AI application for this purpose in hospitals worldwide. The applications for this tool can also improve patient health, reduce readmission rates and maximise space in the intensive care. 

Read the whole article here.

Source: iAmsterdam

Amsterdam UMC is first ever hospital using AI to discharge ICU patients

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