24 projects for Translational Research Call
Jointly ten health foundations, ZonMw, and Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (LSH) have granted 24 projects within the Translational Research Call. The involved organisations joined forces on participation of patients and industry in research & development. It seems to be of great importance, because it often leads to a goal oriented approach and focus on implementation of research results. With this in mind the collaboration on the joined call started in the beginning of 2016.
From research to clinical application
The call focusses on translational research that translates results of fundamental scientific research into application in the clinic. Without translational research, medical inventions may not sufficiently reach the patients. In addition, translational research contributes to highly qualified prevention and healthcare. The collaborating parties highlight the necessity to provide promising treatment methods for patients. So by joining forces the available resources for this kind of research are amplified and used more efficiently.
Granted projects by Health~Holland
Of total 24 granted projects, nine projects involve a collaboration between a research organisaties and at least one company. These nine projects are co-financed by Health~Holland and will be monitored by ZonMw and a representative from Health~Holland, the executive office of the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health.
For more information of the granted projects and subjects watch the pitches of the projectleaders or visit the ZonMw website (in Dutch). The following projects are granted bij Health~Holland:
- Cystic Fibrosis - Niewe medicijnen voor taaislijmziekte ontwikkelen met behulp van menselijke weefsels
- Diabetes - Kan carnitine supplementatie de insuline gevoeligheid verbeteren bij diabetes patiënten?
- Diabetes - Haalbaarheid en effectiviteit van periodiek gemodificeerd vasten
- Diabetes - De juiste voeding om de doorbloeding van de spier te verhogen: De bloedsuikerspiegel profiteert!
- Epilepsie - Aanvalsdetectie bij epilepsie: verdere verfijning en implementatie in de thuissituatie!
- Hart- en vaatziekten - Een microRNA therapie voor hartfalen
- Maag-, lever-, darmziekten - HOImium radioembolizatie
- Maag-, lever-, darmziekten - Nieuwe bloedtest voor vroegtijdige opsporing van leverontsteking
- Reuma - Celtherapie voor reumatoïde artritis, de TOLERANT trial