Exciting announcement! A part-time Life Sciences & Health liaison for Indonesia has been appointed to help position and support the Dutch life sciences & health sector and companies with their market ambitions in Indonesia.
You are invited to take part in the online Meet & Greet session with the liaison, planned for November 23rd from 9.00 to 10.00 hrs (CET).
About the liaison
The newly appointed liaison, Mrs Duma Evi Ulina Silalahi S.Si.,Apt., MBA, based in Jakarta, has over 15 years of experience working in the Indonesian healthcare sector, especially in the areas of digital health, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, manufacturing and medical devices. For the next 16 months (till May 2023), she will focus on positioning and supporting the Dutch life sciences & health sector and companies in Indonesia. Her tasks include keeping track of market developments, strengthening our network in Indonesia, and co-organising high-impact activities. During the Meet & Greet session, they will zoom in more on her role and how you can benefit most from her expertise and scope of work.
Meet & Greet
You are kindly invited for the online Meet & Greet session with the newly appointed LSH liaison. The programme outline will look as follows:
- Introduction Mrs Duma Evi
- Liaison’s experience & perspective on doing business in Indonesia
- Scope of work of liaison & how to benefit
- Your input for the scope of work liaison (challenges & opportunities in Indonesia)
- Q&A
A new milestone
After the virtual mission to Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia (in June) and the launch of the market study Indonesia (in September), Taskforce Healthcare is happy to announce this third milestone. The new LSH Liasion will be part of the Strategic Multi-Annual Market Approach (SMM) programme targeting South East Asia. More information about the long term programme can be found here.
Hopefully you will be present on November 23rd. For more information please contact TFHC Asia manager, Esther van den Heuvel
T +31(0) 6 12 76 09 68
E esther.vandenheuvel@tfhc.nl
Source: Taskforce Healthcare