793 projects
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  • Year

Gene therapy for Alzheimer’s disease

  • Mission IV: Quality of life for people with dementia
  • Fundamental
  • (Bio)pharma
  • Cure
Successfully tested expression in the mouse brain of a viral vector generating an antibody against the Alzheimer toxic protein Amyloid beta.

Generation of human muscles on a chip

  • Mission III: Participating with a disease or disability
  • Fundamental
  • Healthcare
  • Prevention
In this project, a method was developed to measure contractile force of multiple muscles on a chip simultaneously

Modeling Parkinson’s disease

  • Central Mission: +5, -30 Doing much more against health inequalities
  • Mission III: Participating with a disease or disability
  • Fundamental
  • Healthcare
A new technology is proposed to study Parkinson’s disease in the laboratory.

Imaging Tumor-Infiltrating T-cells in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

  • Central Mission: +5, -30 Doing much more against health inequalities
  • Mission III: Participating with a disease or disability
  • Experimental
  • Medical technology
Advanced clinical imaging technology accelerates the development of effective immune therapy for cancer patients.