793 projects
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Fast MRI in prostate cancer

  • Central Mission: +5, -30 Doing much more against health inequalities
  • Mission II: Care in the living environment
  • Mission III: Participating with a disease or disability
  • Fundamental
Investigating speeding up MRI in prostate cancer with innovative AI techniques

Fixation of total knee replacement implants

  • Mission III: Participating with a disease or disability
  • Fundamental
  • Medical technology
  • Healthcare
This project investigates mechanical fixation of total knee arthroplasty implants in the human body

Marker analysis for optimising stem cell differentiation

  • Central Mission: +5, -30 Doing much more against health inequalities
  • Mission I: Lifestyle and living environment
  • Mission III: Participating with a disease or disability
  • Mission IV: Quality of life for people with dementia
Paving the way for patient-specific diagnostics and treatment selection using stem cell derivatives