793 projects
  • Missions
  • Kind of Research
  • Sector
  • Objective
  • Roadmaps
  • Key Enabling Technologies
  • Year

Immune events at the blood-brain barrier

  • Mission III: Participating with a disease or disability
  • Mission IV: Quality of life for people with dementia
  • Fundamental
  • (Bio)pharma
Advanced cellular and organ-on-chip models to improve of study multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease

Gepersonaliseerde voeding in de preventie van chronische stofwisselingsziekten

  • Central Mission: +5, -30 Doing much more against health inequalities
  • Mission I: Lifestyle and living environment
  • Mission III: Participating with a disease or disability
  • Industrial
Precision nutrition based on metabolic subgroups leads to clinically relevant further improvements in insulin
sensitivity and cardiometabolic health

A prosthesis to restore vision in the blind

  • Central Mission: +5, -30 Doing much more against health inequalities
  • Mission II: Care in the living environment
  • Mission III: Participating with a disease or disability
  • Fundamental
The project POSITIONED develops a new probe to restore vision for blind people