793 projects
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Is fat a driver of Alzheimer’s disease?

  • Central Mission: +5, -30 Doing much more against health inequalities
  • Mission I: Lifestyle and living environment
  • Mission IV: Quality of life for people with dementia
  • Fundamental
Does adipose tissue inflammation contribute to cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease?

Boosting the Bone Biology

  • Central Mission: +5, -30 Doing much more against health inequalities
  • Mission III: Participating with a disease or disability
  • Fundamental
  • Industrial
Treatment of large bone defects with innovative techniques to prevent amputation.

Rapid diagnosis of sepsis

  • Central Mission: +5, -30 Doing much more against health inequalities
  • Mission II: Care in the living environment
  • Fundamental
  • Industrial
A rapid molecular test will diagnose sepsis within 6hrs based on direct pathogen DNA detection

Development of an improved stool test for colorectal cancer screening

  • Central Mission: +5, -30 Doing much more against health inequalities
  • Mission II: Care in the living environment
  • Mission III: Participating with a disease or disability
  • Industrial
Innovative biosensing technology promises to improve colorectal cancer screening by detecting biomarkers for high-risk polyps.