New Treatment Hope for Abdominal Cancer Spread: Elesclomol

Unlocking the potential of Elesclomol as novel treatment against peritoneal metastatic disease (EPITOME)

A partnership between Amsterdam UMC and the company Avivia aims to develop Elesclomol as a treatment for peritoneal metastatic disease (PMD), a condition affecting 10% of cancer patients with metastases. Elesclomol has shown promise in preclinical models, and this project focuses on maximizing its potential through research and innovative formulations.

PMD is a severe and often poorly understood condition where cancer spreads to the lining of the abdomen. Current treatments are usually ineffective, leading to a dire need for new therapies. Cancer affects millions worldwide, with significant societal and economic impacts. Innovative treatments like Elesclomol could improve survival rates and quality of life for many patients.

The project has found that Elesclomol is highly effective against mesenchymal cancer cells by targeting their mitochondria. This discovery was made through extensive research using various models, including colon cancer and ovarian cancer organoids, mouse models, and a HIPEC rat model. These findings suggest Elesclomol could be a promising local treatment for PMD, with potential applications for other cancers as well.

To enhance Elesclomol's effectiveness, researchers are developing intraperitoneal formulations combining Elesclomol with Cu2+. Initial experiments using hydrogels were not successful, likely due to the toxicity of the solvent. Future efforts in EPITOME 2 will focus on Elesclomol conjugates that target cancer cells more precisely, and on understanding why the hydrogel trials failed.

This project aims to develop Elesclomol as a new treatment for cancer that spreads to the abdomen. By targeting cancer cell mitochondria, Elesclomol shows great promise in preclinical tests, potentially offering a more effective therapy for patients with this difficult-to-treat condition.
Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
3 - 4
Time period
24 months