687 projecten
  • Missies
  • Soort onderzoek
  • Sector
  • Doel
  • Roadmaps
  • Sleuteltechnologieën
  • Jaar

Targeting the “sugar receptor” Siglec-10 for immune regulation

  • Centrale missie: +5 -30, veel meer doen tegen gezondheidsverschillen
  • Missie II: Zorg in de leefomgeving
  • Missie III: Meedoen en ertoe doen met een ziekte of beperking
  • Fundamenteel
Targeting the glyco-immune checkpoint receptor Siglec-10 for immune modulation in cancer and autoimmune diseases

Inhibiting the spread of mosquito-transmitted viruses

  • Missie I: Leefstijl en leefomgeving
  • Missie V: Betere bescherming tegen gezondheidsdreigingen
  • Fundamenteel
  • (Bio)farma
Radboudumc and TropIQ Health Sciences collaborate to find new ways to stop the spread of mosquito-borne viruses

Lighting the way out of skin fibrosis II

  • Centrale missie: +5 -30, veel meer doen tegen gezondheidsverschillen
  • Missie III: Meedoen en ertoe doen met een ziekte of beperking
  • Fundamenteel
  • Industrieel
APOLLO-2 will deliver an innovative therapy to fight fibroblast-driven diseases like scleroderma.

Predict and Prevent Emerging Pathogen Threats

  • Central Mission: +5, -30 Doing much more against health inequalities
  • Mission I: Lifestyle and living environment
  • Mission III: Participating with a disease or disability
  • Fundamental
The integration of pan-genomics, population dynamics and clinical outcomes to elucidate emerging pathogen threats using machine learning.

Proof of concept for peptide-based treatment against osteoarthritis

  • Central Mission: +5, -30 Doing much more against health inequalities
  • Mission I: Lifestyle and living environment
  • Mission III: Participating with a disease or disability
  • Mission IV: Quality of life for people with dementia
The next step in development and proof of concept for a peptide-based disease-modifying osteoarthritis drug candidate