
The Dutch education system generates an impressive pool of human capital and the number of students enrolled at (scientific) universities has seen a sharp growth in recent years. In 2017, there were 276,713 students enrolled in Bachelor or Master programs, with over 33,000 in health programs and over 41,000 doing technology studies. Another 453,000 were attending higher vocational education courses in 2017-2018. Another reflection of the country’s academic excellence is the number of PhD graduates, which has doubled over the past 25 years to 4,747 in 2016/2017. academic year Registered university students Source: VSNU/CBS, 1cHO2017; Prognosis 2025; Reference Forecast 2016, OCW 300,000 290,000 280,000 270,000 260,000 250,000 240,000 230,000 220,000 210,000 200,000 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’25 75