
Rate of availability 2016 60 40 20 0 Source: EFPIA, Patient W.A.I.T. Indicator 2017 Latvia 4 Lithuania 3 Serbia Estonia 5 Bulgaria 3 Croatia 6 Poland 7 Spain 7 Hungary 9 Ireland 9 Portugal 9 Slovakia 6 Slovenia 12 Belgium 16 France 15 Norway 17 Sweden 18 Switzerland 26 Netherlands 30 Italy 23 Austria 34 Denmark 33 United Kingdom 37 Germany 37 EMA Apporved 47 Availability of medicines In 2016, the Netherlands had a medicine availability rate of 30. The rate of availability is measured by the number of medicines available to patients in European countries. In most countries, this is when the product is placed on the reimbursement list. With an availability rate of 30, the Netherlands ranks 6 th among the EU countries. Furthermore, the Netherlands also provides quick patient access to medicines following marketing authorisation, and ranks in the top 5 countries in Europe. On average, it takes 228 days for patients to obtain access to their medicines in the Netherlands. The average time between marketing authorisation and patient access is measured by the number of days between the date of EU marketing authorisation (or effective marketing authorization in non-EEA countries) and the date of completing the post-marketing authorisation administrative processes. 51